Imazethapyr 70% WG + Surfactant

Herbicide name & approved Crops Weed species Dosage / ha Waiting Period (days)
a.i (gm/kg) Formulation (gm/ml/kg/ltr) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Soybean(2-3 leaf stage of weeds) Cyperus routandus Echinochloa spp. Dinebra arabica Digera spp., Brachiaria mutica, Commelina benghalensis Commelina communis Euphorbia geneculata Cyanotis axiallaris 70 g/ha + Surfactant (Cyspread) @ 1.5ml/Litre + Ammonium Sulphate @ 2 g/lit of Water 100 g/ha + Surfactant (Cyspread) @ 1.5ml/Litre+ Ammonium Sulphate @ 2 g/lit of Water 500 56