Imazethapyr 10% SL + Surfactant

Herbicide name & approved Crops Weed species Dosage / ha Waiting Period (days)
a.i (gm/kg) Formulation (gm/ml/kg/ltr) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Soybean (1-2 Leaf stage of weeds or 7-14 days after sowing) Echinochloa colonum Brachiaria mutica, Euphorbia hirta Commelina benghalensis Dinebra arabica, Digitaria spp., 75-100gm+ MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/l of water 750-1000 ml+ MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/l of water 375 72
Groundnut (1-2 Leaf stage of weeds or 7-14 days after sowing) Echinochloa colonum Euphorbia hirta Commelina benghalensis Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima. 100-150 gm+ MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/l of water 1000-1500ml+ MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/l of water 375 102