Hexaconazole 5 % SC

Crop Common name of the pest Dosage / ha Waiting Period (days)
a.i (gm) Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Mango Powdery mildew 0.01%(10 g/100 lt water) 0.2%or (200ml/100 lt.water) Asrequired depending onsizeof treeand plant protection equipment used. 27
Rice Sheath blight 0.01%(10 g/100lt water) 0.2%or (200ml/100 lt.water) Asrequired depending onsizeof treeand plant protection equipment used 40
Grapes Powdery mildew 25-50 gm 500-1000 500 14