Hexaconazole 5% EC

Crop Common name of the pest Dosage / ha Waiting Period (days)
a.i (gm) Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Apple Scab 0.0025% 0.05% (50ml/100lt) Asrequired 30
Rice Blast Sheath blight 50gm 1000 m l 500 40
Groundnut Tikkaleaf spot 75gm 1500 ml 500 30
Mango Powdery mildew 0.005% (5g/100 lit) 0.1% (100ml/100 lt) Asrequired 30
Soybean Rust 0.005% (5g/100 lit) 0.1% or (100ml/100 lit) Asrequired 30
Tea Blister blight 10gm 200ml 70-90 with power sprayers 175-200 withknap Sack sprayer 7
Grapes Powdery mildew 25-50gm 500-1000ml 500 14