Captan 75% WP

Crop Common name of the pest Dosage / ha Waiting Period (days)
a.i (gm) Formulation (gm/ml) Dilution in Water (Liter)
Apple* ScabFly speck Bitterrot 0.12%** 1667gm 15-20** 8
Cherry Brownrot 0.12%** 1667gm 15-20** NA
Grape Downy mildew 1250gm 1667gm 1000 8
Cabbage/ Cauliflower, Tomato, Brinjal, Chillies, Beans, Ornamental Damping off (Nursery) 0.25% 2500gm 1000

Soildrench inthe nursery

Potato Early blight 1250gm 1667gm 1000 8
Lateblight 1250gm 1667gm 1000 8
Tomato Early blight 1250gm 1667gm 1000 6
Lateblight 1250gm 1667gm 1000 6
Chillies Early blight 1250gm 1667gm 1000 8
Fruitrot 1500gm 2000gm 1000 8
Citrus Brownrot 0.25** 2500gm 15-20** NA
Scab 0.12** 1667gm 15-20** NA
Rose Blackspot 1250gm 1667 1000 NA
Paddy Leafspot 750gm 1000gm 750 NA